Monday 1 September 2008

just gets more interesting every time i think about it

I'm not usually much of an enthusiast for the latest technology, Web 2.0, virtual remote desktop networking and what have you, but this evening, i think i might have been converted. I've been doing a lot of research to find a useful (and ideally cost-effective) platform on which to run my secret new City of London corporate treasure hunt activity, and I've found a utility where i can operate my phone from my laptop, which makes things an awful lot easier. Obviously i had to confuse myself horribly by trying to take on my phone of myself taking a picture of my handset on the screen on a backdrop of a picture of the phone (or something to that effect), but every time I think about it, the potential just grows and grows. I'd better get on with it. Watch this space.

Not literally this space. Just an idea of space. If you can watch an idea without form. And all credit to you if you can.

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